Since 2011, Guangzhou Municipal Government has provided a funding scheme to support innovation and technology development with overseas partners. Under this funding scheme, overseas partners enter into cooperation agreements with the government and receive funding for innovation and technology development projects. The Guangzhou Municipal Government expects, through this funding scheme, to promote quality research and innovation and to encourage a wider social participation in financing and collaborating on innovation and technology development.
On 20th September 2016, a MoU was signed between Guangzhou Science & Technology and Innovation Commission (GZSTIC) and Hong Kong Association of Overseas-Returned Scholars (HKAORS) to implement the funding scheme in Hong Kong. In order to further advance Guangzhou’s cooperation in technology and innovation with universities and research institutions in Hong Kong, GZSTIC commissioned HKAORS to be the “agent” for the collaboration on innovation and technology development between the two districts. For this purpose, HKAORS has initiated the Hong Kong-Guangzhou Technology and Innovation Partnership Programme (HKGTIPP).